Every part of the rich country guarded by Taranaki Mount Egmont receives prompt, fresh Interflora flowers from experts in New Plymouth.
All of your orders are delivered by local florists to ensure the freshest possible flowers are received.
Interflora’s network of florists offer same-day flower delivery throughout Taranaki and offer delivery within 24 hours internationally.
Please order before 2 pm on weekdays and 11 am on Saturday for same-day delivery to most areas. Note that same-day flower delivery is not available on Sunday or public holidays.
Delivery to rural areas may take two full days and may not be possible on Saturdays. If there are any extra costs for the delivery, we will contact you while processing the order.
From the delivery address, you have entered for the Taranaki region, the website determines the next available delivery date for that area. Please choose the delivery date using the popup calendar. If you require further information about delivery to a particular area please contact us on 0800 80 88 80 or using the enquiry form here.
Anywhere from the coast to the hinterland, Hawera Interflora specialists will deliver the flowers you choose.
Interflora’s professional florists serve New Plymouth and deliver to the city, the suburbs, and the countryside.
Flowers for you, or a floral tribute in remembrance - rely on Interflora in Stratford to deliver your message.
Nothing expresses the emotion of a special occasion more beautifully, or more appropriately, than flowers from Interflora. There are a lot of occasions to give flowers.
Our huge range of flowers includes stunning flower bouquets, flower box bouquets, flower baskets, flower arrangements, wreaths, roses, gerberas, lilies, orchids, tulips and more, fresh from the flower market each morning.
Order flowers online here