Behind the Bouquet: The Seasonal Collection

The smell of a freshly cut lawn. The sound of cicadas on nearby trees. The feel of salty water clinging to your skin. Seasonal changes are the harbinger of new beginnings and renewal, of joy and youthfulness.

Drawing inspiration from the ever-changing seasons, we’ve sat down with our Interflora florists to create our seasonal product range.


The Seasonal Bouquet

Our Seasonal Bouquet brings together a star-studded cast of on-hand favourites. Using a mix of bold and pastel colours, our expert florist will create a gorgeous hand-tied bouquet, reflective of their seasonal flower selection.

No two Seasonal Bouquets are the same – that’s the beauty of them.

Shop the Seasonal Bouquet Now


The Summer Bouquet

Warmer months call for enjoying the simple pleasures - turn the phone on silent, indulge in chocolate-covered strawberries, and chase the sun. Our Summer Bouquet radiates days lounging by the pool or long nights spent under the stars.

Recipients of our Summer Bouquet are invited to relish in the warm, shiny love from whoever has sent one their way.

Shop the Summer Bouquet Now


The Classics

Reimagining the classics is what we've brought to the table for this seasonal drop. Your favourite Neutral, Pastel, and Bright and Bold Bouquets have been re-designed to encapsulate their timelessness. Our Interflora florists are excited to put together gorgeous, colour-specific bouquets that transcend flowers. Kindness, sympathy, love, thoughtfulness: that's only a handful of the messages you'll be sending with one of these bouquets.

Shop the Classics Now